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Blood Pheasants inhabit the high elevation conifer/rhododendron forests and can often be found in fairly large flocks.

Bhutan Tour Dates Announced!

We're excited to announce that our next Bhutan tour will be in the spring of 2015, with the tentative dates set for March 16-April 3, 2015. The trip will begin and end in Bangkok, Thailand. Price TBA. We expect to…

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Emperor Geese grazing on Barnacles. Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Photo Aaron Lang.

New Fall Birding Opportunities: Adak and Nome!

We've just added two new trips to our growing fall line-up of Alaskan trips. The first, "Adak: Whooper Swans, Whiskered Auklet and Waterfowl," takes us back to Adak Island to search for some of the very special wintering birds of…

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Rustic Bunting, Homer, Alaska. Photo Aaron Lang.

Rustic Bunting in the Neighborhood

This Rustic Bunting has been coming into a feeder just a few miles from the WBA headquarters in Homer, Alaska. Photo taken 18 December 2013, Aaron Lang. Typically a bird we hope to find on our trips to St. Paul…

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Ross's Gulls, Barrow, Alaska.

Ross's Gulls Galore

We've just returned from America's northernmost city where our quest for Ross's Gulls was a resounding success. On our last birding trip of 2014, seven hearty birders enjoyed fine views of the bubblegum pink gull on each day of the…

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Baikal Teal, Gambell. Photo Aaron Lang.

WBA Finds a Baikal Teal!

Our 2013 fall trip to Gambell got off to a blazing start! In our first hour of birding we tracked down two Red-throated Pipits, enjoyed great views of two Sharp-tailed Sandpipers, and had an absolutely incredible experience with the island's…

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Alaska's first record of Flesh-footed Shearwater found by Wilderness Birding Adventures

A New Species Documented in Alaska!

Big news on our 2013 Gulf of Alaska Pelagic trip (August 19-22)! Topping the list of highlights on the trip was a FLESH-FOOTED SHEARWATER, a species currently on Alaska's Unsubstantiated List (photo M.Vaughn). Pending acceptance of our photos and report,…

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