The elusive and enigmatic Ross’s Gull is a challenging bird for many birders to track down. Because it spends its entire life in the arctic, there are few accessible places where it can reliably be found by birders. Utqiagvik (formerly known as Barrow) in the fall is one such place, perhaps the best place. In late September and early October each year, the bulk of the world population of Ross’s Gulls passes along the coast of northern Alaska on its migration. Jutting northward into the Arctic Ocean at a latitude of 71º 23’ north, Point Barrow is the northernmost point of land in Alaska and is perfectly situated to catch the migration. We’ll of course be satisfied with seeing one Ross’s Gull, but during some years, as on our 2018 tour, the numbers are staggering, with three consecutive days with counts of over 1,000 Ross’s Gulls!
Overall bird diversity is low during this season and most species present are seen along the waterfront. For this trip, however, we focus on quality, not quantity. Our time spent scanning the ocean and shores for Ross’s Gulls may also reward us with King, Common, or Spectacled Eider, Yellow-billed Loon, Short-tailed Shearwater, Red Phalarope, Black Guillemot, Snowy Owl, or with luck an Ivory Gull. Typically Ivory Gulls are found in Barrow later in the fall than Ross’s, but if there are any carcasses on the beach from recent hunting expeditions our chances of seeing this arctic scavenger will be greatly improved.
All of our birding on this tour will be from on or near the roads so the pace of this trip is laid back and the level of difficulty is easy. However, expect the weather in Utqiagvik at this time of year to be cold. Temperatures in early October typically range from the low 20s to mid-30s Fahrenheit, with record low temperatures just below zero and highs in the low 40s Fahrenheit. The winds can be brisk, so dressing in multiple layers of warm clothing, with a wind-stopping outer layer is crucial.
The price includes three nights lodging in Utqiagvik, breakfasts and ground transportation in Utqiagvik; permits; WBA guide. Airfare to Utqiagvik is not included. You are responsible for your lunches and dinners in Utqiagvik. The trip begins and ends at the Utqiagvik Airport. Participants arrive throughout the day on Day 1 and will be picked up at the airport in Utqiagvik by the tour leader. There are several flights daily from Anchorage. The tour ends on Day 4 with an evening flight back to Anchorage. Please contact us before booking your flights to/from Barrow. Price is based on double occupancy. Single supplement is $300 ($100/ night).