Aaron began birding in southern Minnesota at age 11 when the curious behavior of a Northern Flicker caught his eye and he’s been hopelessly addicted to birding ever since. Combining bird-related work with a passion for travel has led him to adventures in Brazil, Tibet, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Bhutan. After settling in Alaska, Aaron spent several years running environmental education programs for the Prince William Sound Science Center in Cordova, all while scheming on how to turn his birding obsession into a career. In 2002, he “retired” from education and began guiding for Wilderness Birding Adventures. After 11 years of working his dream job, Aaron and Robin became owners of Wilderness Birding Adventures and now run the business from their home in Homer, Alaska.
Aaron has served on the Alaska Bird Checklist Committee since 2009, the American Birding Association Checklist Committee (2015-2022), and the board of Audubon Alaska since 2019. He currently holds the Alaska Daydream Big Day Record for the most species of birds thought about in one 24-hour period. When not leading birding tours he can usually be found out birding with his kids, Phoebe and Zephyr.