At some point in their pursuit of birds, most North American birders hear stories of a place called Nome and after learning of the avian riches to be found, Nome quickly tops their wish-list of birding destinations. Nome is a fantastic trip for a birder’s first foray to Alaska, and with its stunning scenery, diverse habitats, a long list of birding highlights, and its potential for rare and unusual species Nome stands out as a favorite destination for repeat Alaskan birders. In addition to the avian draws, Nome contains a fascinating human history. Remains of the early 1900s gold rush that made Nome a bustling city of 10,000 dot the countryside and the renewed gold fever of modern prospectors adds color to our trip.
The list of bird highlights for this sub-arctic locale is impressive and our targets on this tour include Arctic, Pacific, Red-throated and Yellow-billed Loons, all four Eiders, Emperor Goose, Gyrfalcon, Willow and Rock Ptarmigan, Slaty-backed Gull, Aleutian Tern, all three Jaegers, Pacific Golden-Plover, Bristle-thighed Curlew, Bar-tailed Godwit, Red-necked Stint, Northern Wheatear, Bluethroat, Eastern Yellow and White Wagtail, and Hoary Redpoll. We typically see 100-110 species on our four-day tour.
Except for an optional moderately strenuous hike to search for Bristle-thighed Curlews, most of the birding is done from on or near the road with short walks to adjacent habitat.
The cost of the trip includes round-trip flights from Anchorage to Nome; ground transportation in Nome; lodging in Nome; breakfasts, lunches, and snacks in Nome; any group gear (e.g., first aid kit, reference books, etc.); and WBA guides. It does not include any pre or post-trip Anchorage costs (e.g., lodging, ground transportation, meals, etc.), dinners in Nome, or personal gear (e.g., optics, rain gear, etc.). Price is based on double occupancy. Single occupancy may or may not be available depending on the configuration of our group; please inquire about availability and price if interested in a single room.