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Gray-headed Chickadee, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska

North America's Greatest Birding Adventure

Your Favorite Bird? What's your favorite bird? It's a common question, and when asked, many birders struggle to name just one bird. There are so many great birds; how can you choose only one? For me, however, the answer is…

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A Gray-headed Chickadee with a mouthful of insects in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Photo Aaron Lang.


We've just returned from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge on our annual search for Gray-headed Chickadees, North America's most elusive songbird. We enjoyed great weather, fun rafting, great birding, and fine camaraderie. We also found what we were hoping to…

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This year we spent three hours lounging near the only nest we found, enjoying the company of two adult chickadees and two young birds just about to fledge.

2014 Rafting for Chickadees

Scott and Aaron just returned from an eight-day search for Gray-headed Chickadees on the north side of the Brooks Range, Alaska's northernmost mountain range. While most join this trip for the chance to search for North America's most elusive breeding…

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